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K3S CoreDNS Issue


Recently resolved a long standing issue with my k3s implementation that was causing many DNS issues within my setup whenever the system restarted (usually due to automatically nightly patching). It was all due to the way that k3s cleverly injects "host names" into the K8s controller node's coredns service. This could be nice if it wasn't a namespace conflict where it was injecting k8s and


My current (single node) k3s implementation runs within a VM that is running a version of Alpine OS. When I originally setup the OS, I absent mindedly plugged in the FQDN ( as the hostname. This in turn also caused the k3s node name to become the FQDN. Some things were working OK, but others were experiencing some odd behavior. I realized that this was due to the DNS configuration. For example, k8s would resolve to as well as would resolve to, but there was no way for me to get to Bah!

Troubleshooting (Over Several Sessions)

At this point I fixed the hostname issue and restarted my k3s implementation to accept the changes. This fixed everything for k8s DNS lookups, but anything that was directly going to was still not working. After some troubleshooting I took a peek at kubectl edit configmap coredns -n kube-system -o yaml.

Turns out, this configmap has a NodeHosts file that defines some statically assigned IP addresses. These addresses are formatted similar to the /etc/hosts file. When I noticed that one of the IPs in the configmap were no longer valid, I simply updated/saved the configmap and restarted the system for everything to take effect.

To my surprise, k3s was dynamically adding the values into the configmap everytime the system started. But it was using an IP that didn't exist and one I could find no reference to anywhere. I even scoured the /var/lib/rancher/k3s/server/db/state.db SQLite3 database file directly. Using queries like:

  • select name from kine where instr(value, '') > 0 and name not like '%argo%';
  • sqlite3 state.db 'select hex(value) from kine where name="/registry/configmaps/kube-system/coredns";' | xxd -r -p

Within the state database, there were references to the bad IP, but nothing was actually active!

After many hours of looking for references to the IP, checking online forms, and asking ChatGPT for help, I finally decided to take a look at the k3s source. The code that is doing the automatic injection of the NodeHosts entries is updateCoreDNSConfigMap() @ pkg/node/controller.go

The signature for this function was:

func (h *handler) updateCoreDNSConfigMap(nodeName, nodeAddress string, removed bool) error {}

I noticed the nodeName and nodeAddress parameters and realized I was probably missing a key aspect of the k3s NodeHosts creation. It was injecting the names of the nodes! Duh! To verify, a quick kubectl get nodes showed that I had two nodes:

$ kubectl get nodes
NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION NotReady control-plane,master 40d vX.XX.X+k3s1
k8s Ready control-plane,master 18d vX.XX.X+k3s1

Apparently, at some point in my troubleshooting a new node was created and I never removed the old node. K3s was simply adding in the old IP and old node name into CoreDNS as an entry. Once I deleted this old "NotReady" node, k3s (thankfully) stopped injecting the entry into my CoreDNS configmap's NodeHosts entry.

In hindsight, the meaning of the literal filename NodeHosts is now kind of obvious.

Other Interesting Take Aways

Manually Adjusting DNS Settings Live

Before getting to the actual solution I needed the system to actually work so I was required to manually update the coredns configmap after each restart and manually "rollout restart" the core DNS:

  • kubectl edit configmap coredns -n kube-system -o yaml
  • kubectl -n kube-system rollout restart deploy coredns

This would intern leave a bunch of pods in a Terminating state indefinitely. Due to the non-production nature of my cluster, I used the following to clean up the Pods:

  • kubectl delete pod --grace-period=0 --force -n argocd <pod name>

Investigating K3s SQLite State

Some misc SQLite commands used:

sqlite /var/lib/rancher/k3s/server/db/state.db
pragma table_info(kine);
select distinct name from kine;
select name from kine where instr(value, '') > 0;

Note: When selecting data from the kine table, you'll often find that the value BLOB field will not display in the sqlite client as anything other than the string k8s. I believe this is due to null bytes in the BLOB. To work around this, I displayed the value as hex and then used xxd to decode the hex back to utf-8 on the command line. The following is an example of this with the coredns configmap.

  • $ sqlite3 state.db 'select hex(value) from kine where name="/registry/configmaps/kube-system/coredns";' | xxd -r -p

Interestingly, when you modify the configmap from kubectl, it'll keep a log of all previous changes that you can see in the sqlite database. For example, if you stored a password in a configmap and then removed it for security purposes, it would likely still exist in plain sight in the state.db file. I'm curious if this is the same behavior for a Secret, but I haven't investigated this idea yet.
