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Why so hard?: QEmu User Networking and Dropbox


In A More Simple Busybox System, I documented how to get started with building a plain old rootfs with Linux, musl, and busybox. While this setup is good enough for local applications, its more practical to fold in some foundational networking capabilities and tools that allow remote access and inspection of the environment.

Additionally, I've automated most of the process from the previous article, which had quite a few typos.



To recap the previous article and provide some working examples, we started by installing some dependencies into the system. Instead of installing those dependencies directly into the host system, I more often than not install everything into a docker image. Here is the Dockerfile I used:

FROM ubuntu:20.04

ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive

RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
crossbuild-essential-arm64 \
flex bison \
libncurses5-dev \
bc \
wget \
fakeroot \
vim vim-common \
qemu-user-static \
qemu-system-arm \
cpio \

RUN sed -i 's/ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL/ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL/' /etc/sudoers

RUN adduser user --uid 1000
RUN adduser user sudo

USER user
WORKDIR /workspace

This container has the dependencies installed as its first step. Following the dependency installation, we've installed sudo and enabled sudo usage without a password. This enables us to install additional packages in a pinch instead of rebuilding the entire image. More importantly it provides a nice soft failure state for builds, installs, and applications that might assume they've been given root permission.

Security Note: Allowing docker containers to have root access without authentication is bad security practice. Know if someone has access to the docker container (or daemon), they have root access to the entire machine. This is OK in my situation because only I have access to my system and my docker installation.

To build the docker image, I typically define a


docker build -t $(whoami)/busybox-dev .

That'll generate an image that is based on your user login name suffixed with /busybox-dev.

Finally, to run the docker container I use a script:


docker run \
-ti --rm \
--network host \
-v $(pwd):/workspace $(whoami)/busybox-dev bash -li -c "${*}"

This command will give us stdin/stdout of the container (as if we just logged into another system), it binds itself to our host's network namespace so we don't have to fuss with the docker network API. I like to think of --network host as saying, treat the container the same as any other berkeley socket network application running on my host.

Finally, -v $(pwd):/workspace is my special sauce I depend on for nearly all of my container runs. It bascially says, whatever directory I'm currently in, make that the /workspace directory within the container. This allows me to run the container from any given directory and impose the containers environment on only that directory tree. For example, if I change directory into a source directory and run the container, I can have reasonable confidence that the build system of that source directory will not be able to leak outside of the /workspace directory. If it does, it'll either fail because I'm running as a user, or if it runs sudo it'll just muck with the container state which is easily reset to the docker image baseline.

Package Builds

In A More Simple Busybox System I demonstrated a volatile initramfs and a persistent rootfs. Going forward I'll only be working with rootfs. To help iron out any errors and automate the process a bit I've developer a script and 2 configuration patch files.

To use the, you can either run it from a bash prompt in the container or run it as the container command itself.

Running as bash:

./ bash
user@host$ ./

Running as container command (recommended):

./ ./

Once complete you'll want to create the following scripts:


truncate --size=64M disk.ext3
cp init rootfs/init
cp rootfs/

cd rootfs
mkdir -p dev bin sbin etc proc sys usr/bin usr/sbin
mknod -m 622 ./dev/console c 5 1
mknod -m 666 ./dev/null c 1 3
cd ..
mkfs.ext3 -d ./rootfs disk.ext3


#!/bin/sh +m
# Note: No job control without +m

mount -t proc proc /proc
mount -t sysfs proc /sys

mount -n -t tmpfs none /dev
mknod -m 622 /dev/console c 5 1
mknod -m 666 /dev/null c 1 3
mknod -m 666 /dev/zero c 1 5
mknod -m 666 /dev/ptmx c 5 2
mknod -m 666 /dev/tty c 5 0
mknod -m 444 /dev/random c 1 8
mknod -m 444 /dev/urandom c 1 9

# Populate /dev with entries from /sys
/sbin/mdev -s

# Note: Can't Ctrl-C without cttyhack
exec setsid cttyhack /bin/sh

With those two scripts local, we new run the script with fakeroot as we did before:

fakeroot ./

This'll create a disk.ext3 file that we'll use as our persistent rootfs in qemu. To start the qemu process, I've create a script:


qemu-system-aarch64 -no-reboot -nographic \
-M virt -m 2048 -smp 1 -cpu cortex-a72 \
-hda disk.ext3 \
-kernel linux_build/arch/arm64/boot/Image \
-append "console=ttyAMA0 root=/dev/vda rw init=/init serial"

This'll point the kernel at our disk.ext3 image as the persistent drive. It'll mount the ext3 partition as read/write by default so there is no need to remount. Lastly, it points to our init script instead of the busybox linuxrc process.

And that is the end of the review! On ward to network capabilities!

Running QEMU User Networking With Port Forwarding.

Qemu has many ways to access network capabilities. My personal favorite is the tap interface, but the downside with the tap interfaces in Qemu is that it requires elevated priviledge and is quite frankly not nessessary for our needs. Instead we'll go with the less popular user mode networking. The gist of Qemu user mode networking is that the qemu system has the same access to the host network as any other application allowed to connect(), bind(), listen(), and accept() relavant servers and clients.

For SSH, we will configure qemu so that it will listen to port 5522 on the host's localhost (or possibly network and forward all traffic to the inner qemu eth0 interface at as if it came from on an ephemeral port.

To accomplish the port forwarding from the host, we'll add hostfwd=tcp::5522-:5522 to some standard qemu networking arguments. This changes the new qemu command (that runs from to:

qemu-system-aarch64 -no-reboot -nographic \
-M virt -m 2048 -smp 1 -cpu cortex-a72 \
-hda disk.ext3 \
-kernel linux_build/arch/arm64/boot/Image \
-append "console=ttyAMA0 root=/dev/vda rw init=/init serial" \
-netdev user,id=mynet,hostfwd=tcp::5522-:5522 \
-device virtio-net-pci,netdev=mynet

A nice quick little way to verify that qemu networking is working correctly is to use nc (i.e. netcat).

  1. Start qemu in one terminal window with forwarding from port 5522 to port 5522.
  2. In the qemu busybox console run nc -lvp 5522.
  3. In another terminal window on the host (or in the docker container), run echo "test" | nc 5522.

If you received the text "text" in qemu, everything worked! You can always go in the opposite direction so long as you assume the host is Going from qemu out to the host and onward is usually significantly easier. If it doesn't work, checking firewalls, routes, ip forwarding, and so forth would be in order.

Building Dropbear

Dropbear is a lightweight SSHd daemon. Using our musl libc, we can build a very simple (and likely less secure) static binary from the dropbear sources that'll allow us to not just SSH into and out of our qemu machine, but we'll also be able to setup SSH tunnels through the qemu user networking layer.

Building From Source

The following script should build dropbear. It includes a small have that forces dropbear to not attempt to use the getrandom() interface provided by the kernel. This prevents the dropbear daemon from blocking due to a lack of entropy in the kernel's randomness state. The following script also ensures that our musl libc is used instead of the host's glibc.

# Build dropbear with musl instead of glibc for dependency reasons.
tar -xpf dropbear-2020.81.tar.bz2
cd dropbear-2020.81
sed -i 's/ getrandom//'
./configure \
--host=aarch64-linux-gnu \
--prefix=$(realpath ../rootfs) \
--disable-zlib \
--enable-static \
CC="aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc -specs $(realpath ../sysroot)/lib/musl-gcc.specs" \
make install
cd ..

To setup dropbear as a service within qemu, I've written a short script that is run from the same location as init (i.e. root /).


ifconfig eth0
ping -c 512 -A >/dev/null 2>/dev/null

if [ ! -e /etc/passwd ]; then
touch /etc/passwd

if [ ! -e /etc/group ]; then
touch /etc/group

adduser root -u 0

if [ ! -e /etc/dropbear ]; then
mkdir /etc/dropbear

if [ ! -e /home/root ]; then
mkdir /home /home/root

dropbear -p 5522 -R -B -a

Lastly, you must update init so that it mounts /dev/pts. Add the following lines to init, somewhere around the mknod commands:

# Note: SSHd will fail without /dev/pts
mkdir /dev/pts
mount -t devpts -o rw,mode=620,ptmxmode=666 devpts /dev/pts

Once everything is done building, you'll need to rerun to get the new dropbear installation.

After you've rebuilt the disk.ext3 and restarted the qemu session with, one last suggestion is to modify your ssh_config to work nicely with dropbear. I modified /etc/ssh/ssh_config directly, but you can use a user specific ssh_config as well. Add the following lines to the configuration:

Host localhost


So many things can catch you up when attempting to get dropbear running in the system.

  • You can't run ifconfig from init.
  • You can't use dropbear until the kernel has initialized its RNG from system entropy.
  • /etc/dropbear needs to exist before the daemon is created, even when using -R argument.
  • Users (including root) must have a home directory for storing ~/.ssh.
  • You must have /dev/pts mounted to allow for interactive (i.e. tty) ssh logins.
  • Clients must be configured to interact with the less secure dropbear sevice.

Entropy In The Kernel

The ping command in the script above is required. Without it, the qemu system might never get enough entropy to initialize its randomness state to allow dropbear to accept any connections. So weird!

Building gdbserver

GDB is the king of debuggers. It has a remote agent referred to as gdbserver. This can be cross compiled statically and dropped on a system with networking to serve the debug state of a program over the network. This is a great feature to have for learning and inspection of a real or emulated environment because you can have all the convienece of a beefy GDB configuration on a beefy machine while the process runs in its native environment.

The following will build gdbserver without building the entire gdb suite. Note: We're forced to build gdbserver with glibc, but its still static so it makes little difference in this case.

# Note: GDB is built with glibc instead of musl for compatibility reasons.
tar -xpf gdb-9.2.tar.xz
cd gdb-9.2
mkdir build
cd build
LDFLAGS=-static CC=aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc \
../gdb/gdbserver/configure --host=aarch64-linux-gnu --prefix=$(realpath ../../rootfs)
make LDFLAGS=-static install
cd ../..

Once everything is done building, you'll need to rerun to get the new gdbserver installation.

Building strace

I only use strace for quick syscall inspection when checking out what various processes are doing when the initialize, run, block, and quit.

tar -xpf strace-5.10.tar.xz
cd strace-5.10
LDFLAGS="-static -pthread" CC=aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc \
./configure \
--host=aarch64-linux-gnu \
--prefix=$(realpath ../rootfs) \
make install
cd ..

Once everything is done building, you'll need to rerun to get the new strace installation.

Building tcpdump

This is your standard network interface sniffer tool. It can provide packet/connection summaries for an interface or dump BPF filtered traffic into package capture files (pcaps) to be analyzed with other tools (e.g. Wireshark).

# libpcap (required by tcpdump)
./configure --host=aarch64-linux-gnu \
--includedir=$(realpath ../sysroot/include) \
--libdir=$(realpath ../sysroot/lib) \
--datarootdir=$(realpath ../sysroot/share) \
--prefix=$(realpath ../rootfs) \
CC="aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc -specs $(realpath ../sysroot/lib/musl-gcc.specs)" \
make install

# tcpdump
./configure --host=aarch64-linux-gnu \
--includedir=$(realpath ../sysroot/include) \
--libdir=$(realpath ../sysroot/lib) \
--datarootdir=$(realpath ../sysroot/share) \
--prefix=$(realpath ../rootfs) \
CC="aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc -specs $(realpath ../sysroot/lib/musl-gcc.specs)" \
LDFLAGS="-L$(realpath ../sysroot/lib) -static"
make install

Once everything is done building, you'll need to rerun to get the new tcpdump installation.


In conclusion, we've installed dropbear as a SSHd service that allows for easy file transfers via scp, ssh tunneling, and interactive ssh shell access. We've installed gdbserver and strace for inspection of application behavior and state. And finally, we've installed tcpdump for inspection of network behavior and state. This concludes my "Simple Busybox System".
