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Docker Developer Environment Boilerplate

When using containers to setup an application specific development environment, I like to use similar patterns. This includes a set of baseline tools I install with every container for troubleshooting the container itself. I also like to setup a number of quality of life settings to make the use and integration of the container seamless and clear in my workflow.

File System

Whenever I start a new project that is going to include a docker setup, the docker setups always go into their own folder. If its a simple setup, it might just be something as simple as docker/Dockerfile.

For more complicated projects (e.g. micro-service-architecture), I'll have a docker folder with a subfolder for each image instance. For example:

  • docker/database/Dockerfile
  • docker/service/Dockerfile

The key takeaway is that the Dockerfile will never exist in the same directory as the source files of the project. This prevents docker from loading all of the project files into the docker build context (unnecessarily). With that said, I do store all of the files that I intend to put into the docker image in the folder with the Dockerfile. Sometimes I'll even create an imports directory specifically for files that I'll be ADDing to the image to clean up the context folder.

The most common/minimal setup that I use is:

  • docker
    • Dockerfile - The primary image creation configuration.
    • - The script that I use to simplify rebuilds.
    • - Quality of life settings for in-container use.
    • - The template script for running a docker container with this image.

Dockerfile Boilerplate

Please see inline documentation/comments below for more information:

FROM ubuntu:20.04

# Most things (e.g. bash) are better than plain /bin/sh.
# Note: This tricks `docker build` into using bash instead of
# the less capable /bin/sh that is part of ubuntu base image.
# Note: This should be done first so all subsequent environment
# settings are part of this new shell environment.
RUN rm /bin/sh && ln -s /bin/bash /bin/sh

# A common setting to prevent apt-get installs from asking questions.
ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive

# Provide the user shell a namespace (i.e. image name) it's running in.
# This is provided as a --build-arg to docker build.
ARG image_name

# Ensure that the container has color capabilities.
# Accessibility Note: Colors are for info enhancement and never required.
ENV TERM=screen-256color

# Break that absurd bell! (... that you hear with tab completions.)
RUN echo "set bell-style none" >> /etc/inputrc

# Initial repository list update
# Note: You may have to perform updates when mucking with apt configs
# or whenever its been a minute between rebuilds.
RUN apt-get update

# Install tzdata with special options for unattended install.
RUN DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive TZ=Etc/UTC apt-get -y install tzdata

# Install additional baseline dependencies.
# Some goodies here are:
# - A text editor (vi), network tools (ping, ifconfig)
# - Downloader (curl, wget, rsync)
# - Revision control system and github interface (git)
# - SSH client, telnet client
# - The *best* scripting runtime (python3)
RUN apt-get install -y net-tools iputils-ping curl wget \
python3 vim vim-common rsync git openssh-client telnet \
&& apt-get -y autoclean

# Enable sudo and allow sudoers to sudo without passwords.
# Note: We always want to start containers as a user but have ability to sudo.
# Note: Recommended to use `sudo -E` in dockerfiles.
RUN apt-get install -y sudo
RUN sed -i 's/ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL/ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL/' /etc/sudoers

# User defaults setup to match existing user's info with `whoami` and `id`.
# Arguments are passed from with:
# --build-arg uid="$(id -u)"
# --build-arg gid="$(id -g)"
# --build-arg groups="$(id -Gn)"
ARG uid=1000
ARG gid=1000
ARG username=user
ARG groupname=user
ARG groups=user

# Create the user within the container and setup all associated groups.
RUN addgroup --gid ${gid} ${groupname}
RUN adduser --system --disabled-password --uid ${uid} --gid ${gid} ${username}
RUN adduser ${username} sudo
COPY /root/
RUN /root/ ${username} ${groups}

# Switch build context to user permissions
USER ${username}

# Setup the user home directory.
RUN rsync -rv /etc/skel/ /home/${username}/
# As recommended, alias sudo to `sudo -E`
RUN echo "alias sudo='sudo -E'" >> /home/${username}/.bashrc

# Add our quality of life shell configurations and set to auto-load.
COPY /home/${username}/
RUN echo source ~/ >> /home/${username}/.bashrc

# Setup the default workspace that the container starts in.
# Note: I used to use /workspace, but /opt is more standard.
WORKDIR /opt Boilerplate

Having to type docker build ... ... ... every time you make any small change to a Dockerfile is very annoying. Instead of dealing with that headache I've opted to always provide myself with a Note: I often will do the same for docker-compose configurations as well. The idea behind the is not just brevity, but also to hide away more complex things like the extract of uids, gids, and other user groups.

Please see inline documentation/comments below for more information:


# Give all of your images a namespace. Often, $(whoami) is good enough.
# Give this image specific build script a image name.
# You can throw a version in the tag, or tie it to a base image.

# Leave this alone. This is standard layout for full image names (minus host).

# Here, we're are providing `docker build` with the Dockerfile via STDIN.
# With this pattern we can choose to provide our Dockerfile dynamically or
# from a file path. With this pattern we can also use a different context
# folder than our Dockerfile is located in.
# Note: We automatically extract uid, gid, and group ids from current user.
cat Dockerfile | docker build \
--build-arg image_name="$IMAGE_NAME" \
--build-arg uid="$(id -u)" \
--build-arg gid="$(id -g)" \
--build-arg groups="$(id -Gn)" \
-t "$IMAGE_FULLNAME" -f - . \
&& echo "Created image $IMAGE_NS/$IMAGE_NAME"

You can also optionally add a $@ or ${*} to the command to allow a quick ./ --no-cache for a fresh rebuild.

cat Dockerfile | docker build \
--build-arg image_name="$IMAGE_NAME" \
--build-arg uid="$(id -u)" \
--build-arg gid="$(id -g)" \
--build-arg groups="$(id -Gn)" \
$@ \
-t "$IMAGE_FULLNAME" -f - . \
&& echo "Created image $IMAGE_NS/$IMAGE_NAME" / Boilerplate

There are typically a number of things I like to be made aware of when I am running within a container:

  • Am I actually in a container?
  • What image is this container based on?
  • What specific container of this image is running?
  • What user am I running as? As in ... what will show up in my compiled code or tar files?
  • What is the host name of the environment I'm running in?
  • When did I last run a command in my buffer? Specifically the previous command.
  • Am I in a git repo? What branch is checked out? Is it dirty, staged, or committed?

All of this is compressed into a single 2 line prompt that looks something like:

user @ desktopvm  [35dd92c7@xltr]  (master)  2022-11-18-09:52:44
/opt$ _

Please see inline documentation/comments below for more information:

# Configure aliases fpr the terminal colors.
COLOR_LIGHT_BROWN="$(tput setaf 178)"
COLOR_LIGHT_PURPLE="$(tput setaf 135)"
COLOR_LIGHT_BLUE="$(tput setaf 87)"
COLOR_LIGHT_GREEN="$(tput setaf 78)"
COLOR_LIGHT_YELLOW="$(tput setaf 229)"
COLOR_YELLOW="$(tput setaf 184)"
COLOR_RESET="$(tput sgr0)"
COLOR_GREEN="$(tput setaf 83)"
COLOR_ORANGE="$(tput setaf 208)"
COLOR_RED="$(tput setaf 167)"
COLOR_GRAY="$(tput setaf 243)"

# Helper for showing colors in user specific terminal window+profile.
# Inspired by:
function show_colors {
import sys
for i in range(0, 16):
for j in range(0, 16):
code = str(i * 16 + j)
sys.stdout.write(u"\u001b[38;5;" + code + "m " + code.ljust(4))
print u"\u001b[0m"

# Define colors for git branch/checkout depending on state.
# Inspired by:
function git_branch {
git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree &> /dev/null
if [ "$?" -eq "0" ]; then
local git_status="$(git status 2> /dev/null)"
local on_branch="On branch ([^${IFS}]*)"
local on_commit="HEAD detached at ([^${IFS}]*)"

if [[ ! $git_status =~ "working tree clean" ]]; then
elif [[ $git_status =~ "Your branch is ahead of" ]]; then
elif [[ $git_status =~ "nothing to commit" ]]; then

if [[ $git_status =~ $on_branch ]]; then
local branch=${BASH_REMATCH[1]}
echo -e "$COLOR($branch) "
elif [[ $git_status =~ $on_commit ]]; then
local commit=${BASH_REMATCH[1]}
echo -e "$COLOR($commit) "
export -f git_branch

# Fetch the date in a canonical format.
function get_prompt_date {
echo -e "$COLOR_GRAY$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S)"
export -f get_prompt_date

# Get docker identity. Useful for doing `docker exec`, `docker stop`, etc.
# Note: This used to rely on /proc/1/cpuset, but with newer dockers we
# now rely on volume mounting the output of --cidfile from `docker run`.
# Inspired by:
function get_docker_ident {
DOCKER_CONTAINER=$(cat /containerid | cut -c1-8)
if [ "$DOCKER_IDENT" == '[/@]' ]; then
echo ""
export -f get_docker_ident

# Note: Without \[ \] properly placed, wrapping will not work correctly.
# More info found at:

# All terminals append to a single history.
export PROMPT_COMMAND='history -a'

This is a simple utility script for adding all of the host user's groups to the container.


for g in $@; do usermod -aG ${g} $username ; done
exit 0 Boilerplate

Once the docker image is built, more often than anything else I'll find myself running the container. Instead of blistering my fingers typing out docker run blah blah blah all the time, I always setup what I call run templates.

Here is a typical


# Get a temporary directory to store --cidfile output in.

# Define common run parameters
CMD_PREFIX="docker run \
-ti --rm \
--network host \
--cidfile ${CONTAINER_ID_FPATH}/containerid \
-v ${CONTAINER_ID_FPATH}/containerid:/containerid \
-v $(pwd):/opt \

# Determine if script was invoked with or without arguments and handle it.
if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then
$CMD_PREFIX bash -li -c "${*}"
$CMD_PREFIX bash -li

# Remove the temporary directory. Assumes `docker run` blocks until exit.

The key take away in this script is the fact that I always volume mount $(pwd) to the Dockerfile WORKDIR path. This means that when ever I call, the container will always open with my current directory as the container's current directory. This also compliments another behavior that I observe: Always work on projects from the top-level folder of the project. For example, when working on the Linux kernel source code, I always address paths and compilations from the same folder as the top level Makefile.

The above script is one of a dozen different run template patterns that I use. Another one that I often use is to alias a tool within a container as a shell script.

Here is an example of a run script for yarn within a NodeJS image I use:


docker run -ti --rm \
-v $(pwd):/opt/website \
-w /opt/website \
--network host \
node:16-alpine yarn "$@"

With this run script, I simply pretend that I have yarn installed in my current environment, but instead of actually running yarn, I run <arguments> and it automatically kicks off the container. This all works because all of the dependencies for the NodeJS environment are kept in the node_modules folder. The same can be applied to a python environment with virtualenv/pipenv.