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Nearly everything that has to do with web services requires DNS entries. For example, if you want a web server to provide Host based routing to multiple virtual hosts on the same IP, you need DNS entries. If you want to enable server side or client side TLS in web services, you'll most certainly want host names (although not strictly required). Plus, many advanced web features (e.g. progressive web applications) are required to only exist in an HTTPS context by the web browser. In summary, following a baseline OS install, having a DNS server setup is a must.

There are a few different DNS servers worth considering for a small-scale network. CoreDNS, bind, and dnsmasq to name a few. For my purposes, dnsmasq remains the best choice because of its built in DHCP and TFTP functionality. Combining DHCP, TFTP, and DNS affords you the ability to setup PXE boot on your network, enabling auto-provisioning of systems as they are connected and boot from the network. That said, for now we'll only focus on DNS in our "initial" environment.

For our initial environment, we're going to cheat a bit with the configuration of dnsmasq. For starters, we'll configure the dns entries directly within our docker-compose.yml file for dnsmasq. This is possible because Docker requires control over the /etc/hosts file via --add-host arguments and dnsmasq includes /etc/hosts in its resolver. Secondly, we're going to use the host network stack when starting up dnsmasq. There is a lot of complexity with hosting a service for nodes on an external network from one docker container to another that aren't within the same docker network. We can eliminate much of that complexity by hosting our DNS server in the host network. By default, most docker containers will use the host's DNS configuration (found in /etc/resolv.conf). If we need to be more explicit, we can add a --dns= argument to the relevant services.

The Steps

Initially, we need to build the dnsmasq docker image with a working DNS and internet connection. Place the following yaml (with you relevant IP address updates) into a file named: /opt/services/lab_services/services/dnsmasq_svc.yml.

image: git.lab/lab/dnsmasq:initial
depends_on: []
container_name: dnsmasq_svc
context: context
dockerfile_inline: |
FROM alpine:3.19
RUN apk add -U dnsmasq
restart: unless-stopped
network_mode: host
dns_search: lab
- dockerhost:host-gateway
- git.lab:
- words.lab:
- dns.lab:
- www.lab:
- tls.lab:
entrypoint: ["/usr/sbin/dnsmasq", "--no-daemon"]

Build the git.lab/lab/dnsmasq:initial image with:

cd /opt/services/lab_services/services/
docker compose -f dnsmasq_svc.yml build

Before starting the service, there are 2 pre-requisites in the Debian/Ubuntu environment:

  1. Set the nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf to something external (e.g. If you're completely offline, add all of the required host names to /etc/hosts while there is no DNS configured.

  2. Disable systemd-resolved DNS cache running on sudo su -c "systemctl stop systemd-resolved && systemctl disable systemd-resolved"

Notice the dnsmasq_svc service from our dnsmasq_svc.yml file:

The service is made up of an alpine:3.19 base with a dnsmasq apk package added. As mentioned before, docker controls the /etc/resolv.conf and /etc/hosts in the container and since these are sources of defaults for dnsmasq:

  • We can control dnsmasq with the dns: attribute to specify what external DNSes to use to forward locally unresolved domain name lookups.

  • We can define all of our local domain names in the extra_hosts: attribute as a single /etc/hosts entry that all other nodes on our network will have access to via DNS.

Start the DNS service with:

cd /opt/services/lab_services/services/
docker compose -f dnsmasq_svc.yml up -d

Note: If you are rebuilding dnsmasq_svc on an offline network, you'll need to either add the required internal entries to your /etc/hosts file on the host or keep an existing service running while building the image. If you are online, you may also set your host's /etc/resolv.conf nameserver setting to an external DNS, so that docker will know how to reach out to any required registries or other services. Its easy to forget how important the DNS service is until you point everything at it and then shut it down.

Once the dnsmasq_svc is up and running, replace your host's /etc/resolv.conf nameserver setting to our new nameserver. (You'll need to do this on all network devices with an externally accessibly IP address.)

sudo su -c 'rm /etc/resolv.conf && echo -e "nameserver\nsearch lab\n" > /etc/resolv.conf'

Updating DNS Entries

If you want to change the records, update dnsmasq_svc.yml and then run both:

docker compose -f dnsmasq_svc.yml down && docker compose -f dnsmasq_svc.yml up -d

Caution: docker compose -f dnsmasq_svc.yml restart will not work. It does not read dnsmasq_svc.yml updates or changes since the last docker compose -f dnsmasq_svc.yml up.


Containers that use their own custom network use the embedded Docker DNS on their own interface. You may be able to override this with various dns settings. Most often its more simple to use the default network for containers, which will default to using the host's /etc/resolv.conf settings. Therefore, if all of our containers use the default bridge network and our host's /etc/resolv.conf points to ourselves on our external network, (thereby calling dnsmasq), all containers will automatically use the dnsmasq settings.