FROM ubuntu:20.04 # Most things (e.g. bash) are better than /bin/sh. # Note: This tricks `docker build` into using bash instead of # the dorked /bin/sh that is part of ubuntu base image. # Note: This should be done first so all subsequent environment # settings are part of this new shell environment. RUN rm /bin/sh && ln -s /usr/bin/bash /bin/sh ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive # Provide shell a namespace it's running in. ENV DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME=openocd-dev # Prompts without color should be the edge case. ENV TERM=xterm-256color # Break that absurd bell! RUN echo "set bell-style none" >> /etc/inputrc # Update repository list and install baseline dependencies. RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \ net-tools iputils-ping \ curl wget \ python3 \ vim vim-common \ rsync \ git \ openssh-client telnet \ minicom \ gdb-multiarch \ usbutils \ && apt-get -y autoclean # Allow sudoers to sudo without passwords. RUN apt-get install -y sudo RUN sed -i 's/ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL/ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL/' /etc/sudoers # User defaults, ideally setup to match existing user's info with `whoami` and `id`. ARG uid=1000 ARG gid=1000 ARG username=user ARG groupname=user RUN addgroup --gid ${gid} ${groupname} RUN adduser --system --disabled-password --uid ${uid} --gid ${gid} ${username} RUN adduser ${username} sudo USER ${username} RUN rsync -rv /etc/skel/ /home/${username}/ # Note: Recommended to use `sudo -E` in dockerfiles. RUN echo alias sudo=\'sudo -E\' >> /home/${username}/.bashrc # Install XPack OpenOCD ARG XPACK_OPENOCD_NAME=xpack-openocd-0.11.0-1 ARG XPACK_OPENOCD_BASE=${XPACK_OPENOCD_NAME}-linux-x64.tar.gz ARG XPACK_OPENOCD_URL=$XPACK_OPENOCD_BASE ARG XPACK_OPENOCD_DST=/opt RUN sudo -E curl -L $XPACK_OPENOCD_URL -o $XPACK_OPENOCD_DST/$XPACK_OPENOCD_BASE RUN sudo -E tar -C $XPACK_OPENOCD_DST -xvf $XPACK_OPENOCD_DST/$XPACK_OPENOCD_BASE # Add XPack OpenOCD To Path ENV PATH=$XPACK_OPENOCD_DST/$XPACK_OPENOCD_NAME/bin:$PATH WORKDIR /workspace